Why these techniques and in this way?
Because my evolution as a therapist has led me to expand my training and, therefore, to increase the variety of techniques that I include in therapy, I believe it is necessary to explain how the techniques in which I have trained and The ones I work with form a coherent unit of therapeutic approach and not a more or less extensive list of separate protocols or that can be applied separately without there being coherence between them, except that which each particular theoretical-practical corpus implies.
The set of techniques I use makes up a unit of therapeutic approaches linked and consistent with each other. There exists among them, as a whole, a clear hierarchy determined either by their difference in breadth and theoretical-practical depth, by having different tools, or by some being more appropriate than others to address certain aspects (material, energetic, emotional, or informational) of the body understood as a complex system. This hierarchy is also determined by my more or less systemic or instrumental use of them. It is a set in which the techniques have a way of objectifying the state of the system (body-person) and its reaction to certain objective stimuli to determine whether it takes precedence over the others (ethiotherapy and kinesiology). The rest of the techniques serve as specific support to energize the system to achieve more far-reaching work so that the system can integrate the work done during the session more effectively and operationally.
The boarding
The three techniques that give coherence to the therapeutic approach of the session are etiotherapy and kinesiology. This is because the three techniques have two essential elements to establish a dialogue with the body (system). One that allows us to objectivize the state of the system concerning the principles of these techniques: in the case of Kinesiology, it is the muscle test, and in Etiotherapy and Syntergetics, the VAS (Vascular Autonomous Signal) or RAC (Circulatory Autonomous Response), pulse. The Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) is a physiological response of the body’s neurovascular system to information entering its energy field. This response can be felt manually as a pulse change in the radial artery wall. The second element is the tools that allow formulating or provoking a response in the body, that is, objective questions to determine specific imbalances that produce a change in the muscle test (Kinesiology) or the RAC pulse (Etiotherapy). In kinesiology, we will use mudras that discriminate the different fields that may be causing an imbalance (structural, chemical, electromagnetic, emotional, and energetic fields), as well as witnesses to which the body reacts. At Syntergetics, we will use the specific filters developed by Dr. Jojer Carvajal and his team, as well as the corpus of techniques that belong to him. With Etioterapia, we will use different filters, the emotional points of auriculotherapy, the list of causal impregnations or Nogier frequencies, the Lupasco deduction tables, and the Nogier frequency laser.
The protocols used to help the body (system) reestablish its balance will be those of both therapies, etiotherapy and kinesiology; Biodynamic cranialsacro osteopathy will also be the primary discipline. In addition, other techniques such as Taoist medicine, acupuncture, specific floral systems, or broader techniques that help prepare the session verbally, such as narrative therapy or to focus the patient’s attention such as focusing, which will serve as support as adjuvants to Provide the system to find its own resources and streamline its processes.