Etiotherapy, Kinesiology, and Syntergetics

Etiotherapy, Kinesiology, and Sintergetics are the main pillars. The three disciplines constitute, each with its protocols, a coherent unit of therapeutic approach that I have been building and interweaving with practice over the years.

The three techniques approach clinical therapy from a meta-language. This language allows the body to express its own basal state and its interaction with and unique response to circumstances. That is, they allow us to access the dynamics of the complex system that we are (matter-energy-information) through the body, the body as an embodied memory of its life history.

Kinesiology, through a binary language (0-1, Boolean logic), that of muscle testing, allows the body to express the adaptive stress it is experiencing.

Syntergetics uses the VAS pulse (Vascular Autonomous Signal) or RAC (Atrial-cardiac Reflex), which reflects the reaction of the neuro vegetative System to an external or internal stimulus, giving us a clear response. Syntergetics uses the VAS pulse as a binary code, similar to the Kinesiology muscle test, which expresses action-reaction to a stimulus.

Etiotherapy also uses the VAS or RAC pulse in a broader and more complex way that is not binary; it is tertiary (third logic even). This breadth and complexity allow us to delve into the system’s physical, energetic, and informational dynamics until reaching those points (events) that have not been able to be metabolized to redefine them. Metabolization in this context refers to the body’s ability to process and integrate the therapeutic interventions, leading to positive changes in the system. In this way, the system can make changes that allow it to be more autonomous and efficient at a physical, energetic, and informational level in life.

The work is complemented with other techniques – biodynamic cranial sacral osteopathy, Taoist Medicine, and acupuncture, floral systems, narrative therapy – that support the work with etiotherapy, syntergetics, and kinesiology as elements that help prepare the system for the session and to boost its metabolization process during and after it has finished. These techniques are chosen based on the individual’s needs through the pulse and can include physical, energetic, and psychological approaches.